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Energy storage for renewables





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Provides Stable System Inertia

What is System Inertia ?

There are challenges to the stability of power systems all the time. Challenges include spikes or lulls in demand,

power line failure, even generator failure.

For instance, when demand rises, the load on generators increases and pushes down the frequency.

But when demand falls, the generators’ workload drops, driving the frequency higher.

Most big changes in demand are predictable: morning or evening peaks, afternoon lulls etc.

So, networks can match generator capacity in advance.

But minor changes are much more frequent and less predictable, and catastrophic failures are, almost

by definition, a surprise.

This is where inertia comes into play because network inertia slows down changes to frequency.

In this era of big, fossil fuel-fired spinning turbines, networks take advantage of their large,

physical rotational inertia. Backup synchronous condensers, which are effectively huge and expensive

flywheels, provide an additional source of rotational inertia.

That inertia helps reduce the impact of imbalances in supply and demand following unexpected disturbances.

In the event of major failure, system inertia helps keep the frequency within an acceptable range until the system rebalances.

That is usually achieved by either increasing or decreasing generator output as required.

Hydro and rapid-response gas generators can react quickly, but fastest of all are flywheels and grid scale batteries,

which can respond in milliseconds.

Flywheels have a longer life span than batteries and can be spun up to speed quicker than charging batteries.

Physically derived system inertia is falling due to the rapid increase in renewable energy sources.

As traditional generators shut down, their individual rotational inertia and their contribution to frequency stability goes with them.

This leads to a reduction in system inertia as a whole.

Solving this problem is a major challenge for the transition to renewable energy powered networks.

So, to keep the electricity grid stable during periods of high renewable penetration, networks must find new methods of

maintaining frequency stability.

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System Inertia





Micro Grids

In Pole Storage

Large Scale Storage

Levitated Ring Gear + Flywheel with Frictionless Magnetic Gears

Frictionless Levitated Magnetic Planetary Gearbox

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